Cleansing Yoni Steam

Cleansing Yoni Steam


This herbal blend is ideal for cleansing and clearing recurrent infections, odors, discharges, and UTIs. It is also beneficial for blockages, irregular bleeding and conditions such as PCOS, Fibroids, Amennorhea (missing period) and endometriosis.

2oz bag, about 7 servings per bag

Hand-Crafted Organic Ingredients: Mugwort, Rosemary, Calendula Flower, Red Raspberry Leaf, Citrus Peel, Lavender

To Use: Pour roughly 6 cups freshly boiled water over 4 Tbsp herbs. Cover & steep 10 minutes. Remove cover and sit over herbs so that the steam comfortably reaches your yoni and womb space. It is recommended to wrap a blanket around your lower half to trap the steam. Steam for as long as feels good to you, or until the water has cooled.

Yoni steaming can be done in many ways, with a stool made especially for steaming, placing herbs in a toilet bowl and sitting on that, hovering over a ceramic bowl on all fours, or any DIY setup you can come up with at home!

Not recommended during pregnancy.

Remember, you are the sole authority over your own body. This product is not regulated or approved by the FDA or any other certifying agency. This product is not meant to cure or prevent disease, nor act in any medical capacity. Some people may wish to consult a medical professional before using an herbal supplement. Do your own research, and make your choices in your fully informed power.

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